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JacCoCo With Java Maven, Gradle 설정


JaCoCo는 Java 로 작성된 Code 의 Coverage를 구현하는 데에 사용되는 오픈 소스 라이브러리로 Java, Android 프로젝트에서 Code Coverage 를 측정하는데 사용 한다.


과거 EMMA 라는 Coda Coverage 측정 라이브러리의 업데이트가 중단 된 이후에 EclEmma 이클립스 프로젝트에서 EMMA의 대안으로 개발된 라이브러리다.


JacCoCo 는 일반적으로 측정하는 Line, Branch Code Coverage 외에 특이하게도 Method Coverage 를 제공한다.


Code Coverage : Line, Branch + Method Coverage 측정 가능

JacCoCo 로 Code Coverage 를 측정 하기 위한 Gradle Build, Maven Pom 파일 설정은 아래 내용을 참고하여 구성하면 된다.



Maven Goal 설명

  • gradlew jacocoTestReport ⇒ Unit 테스트 실행 후 JaCoCo Code Coverage 측정
task jacocoTestReport(type: JacocoReport, dependsOn: "testDebugUnitTest") {
    group = "Reporting"
    description = "Generate Jacoco coverage reports"

    classDirectories = fileTree(
            dir: "${project.buildDir}/intermediates/classes/debug/ml/jjeaby/",
            includes: [
            excludes: ['**/ApplicationModule.class',

    def coverageSourceDirs = ["../app/src/main/java"]
    additionalSourceDirs = files(coverageSourceDirs)
    sourceDirectories = files(coverageSourceDirs)
    executionData = files("${project.buildDir}/jacoco/testDebugUnitTest.exec")

    reports {
        xml {
            enabled true
            destination "${project.buildDir}/reports/jacoco/jacoco.xml"
        csv.enabled false
        html {
            enabled true
            destination "${project.buildDir}/reports/jacoco/html"




Maven Goal 설명

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">



		<!-- Generic properties -->

		<!-- Spring -->

		<!-- Java EE / Java SE dependencies -->

		<!-- Test -->

		<!-- Dates -->

		<!-- Others -->

		<!-- Web dependencies -->

		<!-- test properties -->



		<!-- Import the maven Spring IO Platform Bill Of Materials (BOM) -->



		<!-- JSon -->

				<!-- because Spring Data usually comes with a slightly older version 
					of Spring -->

		<!-- used for EhCacheCacheManager -->


		<!-- Database connection pool See here for more details on commons-dbcp 
			versus tomcat-jdbc: http://blog.ippon.fr/2013/03/13/improving-the-performance-of-the-spring-petclinic-sample-application-part-3-of-5/ -->

		<!-- Logging with SLF4J & LogBack -->

		<!-- Date and Time -->

		<!-- Databases - Uses HSQL by default -->

		<!-- For MySql only -->
		<!--dependency> <groupId>mysql</groupId> <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId> 
			<version>${mysql-driver.version}</version> </dependency -->

		<!-- HIBERNATE -->

		<!-- Webjars (static dependencies distributed as JAR files) -->

		<!-- Test Artifacts -->

		<!-- Dandelion -->
		<!-- temporary fix: below dependency should not be necessary as it is a 
			transitive dependency. For some reason we can't build the app unless it is 
			a first level dependency -->


	<!-- Maven plugin versions are mentioned in order to guarantee the build 
		reproducibility in the long term -->
				<!-- declared explicitly so Spring config files can be placed next to 
					their corresponding JUnit test class -->
						<Xlint />




					<!-- Prepares the property pointing to the JaCoCo runtime agent which 
						is passed as VM argument when Maven the Surefire plugin is executed. -->
							<!-- Sets the path to the file which contains the execution data. -->
							<!-- Sets the name of the property containing the settings for JaCoCo 
								runtime agent. -->
					<!-- Ensures that the code coverage report for unit tests is created 
						after unit tests have been run. -->
							<!-- Sets the path to the file which contains the execution data. -->
							<!-- Sets the output directory for the code coverage report. -->
					<!-- Prepares the property pointing to the JaCoCo runtime agent which 
						is passed as VM argument when Maven the Failsafe plugin is executed. -->
							<!-- Sets the path to the file which contains the execution data. -->
							<!-- Sets the name of the property containing the settings for JaCoCo 
								runtime agent. -->
					<!-- Ensures that the code coverage report for integration tests after 
						integration tests have been run. -->
							<!-- Sets the path to the file which contains the execution data. -->
							<!-- Sets the output directory for the code coverage report. -->

			<!-- Used for unit tests -->
					<!-- Sets the VM argument line used when unit tests are run. -->
					<!-- Skips unit tests if the value of skip.unit.tests property is true -->
					<!-- Include unit tests are run. -->

			<!-- Used for integration tests -->
					<!-- Ensures that both integration-test and verify goals of the Failsafe 
						Maven plugin are executed. -->

							<!-- Sets the VM argument line used when integration tests are run. -->
							<argLine>${failsafeArgLine} -XX:MaxPermSize=512m</argLine>

							<!-- Skips integration tests if the value of skip.integration.tests 
								property is true -->

							<!-- Include Integration tests are run. -->

